
Can We Sleep All Day During Ramadan?


During Ramadan we tend to want to sleep all day and do nothing. Maintaining your usual daily activity is quite crucial to your health. During the holy month we need to prioritize our time and never forget to pray our 5 daily prayers. Many people sleep after Fajr resulting in missed Dhuhr or Asr prayers, which is forbidden. If battles were once fought during the month of Ramadan then maintaining daily activities shouldn’t be a problem. The Battle of Badr is a beautiful example of patience and Allah’s (swt) miracles.


The Battle of Badr.


The Battle of Badr actually took place during Ramadan. This battle is also known as “The Day of the Criterion” because followers of Islam had their faith tested. The battle was fought on Tuesday March 13th, 624 CE near the city of Badr, Al Madinah Province in Saudi Arabia. The battle is one of the first and most momentous and miraculous moments in Islamic history. The battle signified a win for Muslims and proof that Allah (swt) exists. “ It was here that a band of over 300 Muslims, mostly unarmed and with two horses and 70 camels between them, led by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), met a well-armed and well-equipped army of their pagan enemies of Makkah, numbered over a thousand, and won, by God’s help, a splendid victory that established the standard of truth never to be lowered again”. (Khaleej Times). Normally this battle would’ve been perceived as impossible but subhan’Allah everything is possible by Allah (swt). This battle serves as a beautiful reminder to all Muslims that even in Ramadan, Allah (swt) can work his miracles. The Prophet fought multiple battles during the month of Ramadan. This should serve as a reminder that we can at least do the basics of what Allah has asked of us. This includes fasting, keeping up with our five prayers, giving zakat and making constant dua. May Allah (swt) accept all our dua’s this Ramadan. “There was a sign for you in the two groups who confronted each other: One group fighting in the way of Allah, and the other disbelieving, seeing themselves as twice their number, with open eyes. And Allah gives strength with His help to whomsoever He wills. Indeed, there is a lesson therein for those who have eyes.” (Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:13)


Written By Anan Helwih 


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