Are you a Muslim with heavy questions about Islam but feel hesitant about asking any questions to loved ones? It may feel intimidating to ask family or friends about your doubts or concerns. You don’t want them to feel like you’re questioning Allah (swt) or Islam. You worry about being exposed for your doubts and uncertainties. You’re left in a place of anger and confusion which in end turns you away from the beautiful religion of Islam. Those that are supposed to help guide you towards Islam such as your parents, friends or local imam may actually end up putting you off. Belittling questions or concerns you may want answered will leave you feeling even more uncertain. You don't understand why they run towards non-Muslims with open arms and spend hours answering questions about the Prophet (PBUH). Muslims can have questions too. Alhamdullilah we were lucky enough to be born Muslim but that doesn’t mean we don’t have our own doubts and insecurities.
Questions are a good thing! Educating yourself is an amazing thing. Many times when parents put off your questions about Islam it may be because they don’t truly know the answer. They may answer with “that’s just how it is”, or “you have to pray just because”. These questions leave us with a void that we crave to fill and truly understand. We want to know the “why’s” to our uncertainties and doubts and then and only then will we be able to be true believers of Islam. How do we expect to believe something we don’t understand? Educate yourself. Read the Quran. Book a session with a scholar on Faith Consulting to get real answers to your “why’s”. There’s nothing wrong with being curious and having questions. We aren’t all knowing. Islam is a beautiful, complex yet uncomplicated guide to our lives. Remember, deen over dunya. Don’t let ignorant people stand in the way of your journey to the true message and guidance of Islam.
Written by Anan Helwih