It doesn't take much to realize how blessed we are as Muslims. Allah SWT has allowed us to have a direct and open relationship with Him 24/7, with absolutely no middle-man in between. As Muslims, we have two main ways of communicating with Allah SWT. The first way is through our five daily prayers, which are an obligation upon us. These prayers have certain conditions (arkan) that we must fulfill, for our prayer to be valid. The second way of communicating with Allah is, by making dua (supplication).
In contrast to prayer, there is no fixed time or place for making dua. Wudu is not obligatory for dua. We don't even need to have wudu to make dua. We are allowed to put our hands up and ask Allah for what we need - at any time and any place. This is a huge mercy from Allah SWT.
What Is Dua?
The word dua in the Arabic language (دعاء) can mean different things. The first meaning is to praise Allah. The second meaning is to seek Allah and beg Him. The third meaning is to call upon Allah. All three of these definitions accurately describe the main objective behind making dua to Allah, which is to call upon Him for whatever it is we need. Prophet Muhammad PBUH had once said: "dua is the brain of worship".
Our brains are at the top of our bodies. They are also essential for us to stay alive. This hadith shows us the importance of making dua. In another narration, the Prophet PBUH said: "the most excellent form of worship is dua". Making dua is the essence of worship. If we want a strong relationship with Allah, we must engage in making dua on a regular basis. Allah SWT is All-Hearing. Allah likes to hear us call out to Him. Click here why Allah loves to hear your voice.
Why should we make dua?
Making dua is an important act of worship. By allowing us to make dua to Him, Allah has given us a direct hotline to speak to Allah, literally whenever we want. Think of how merciful and generous Allah SWT is. Who else should we go to with our needs and concerns, other than the One who can solve all our problems in the blink of an eye if He chooses to? Allah loves to give to us. He is Al-Kareem. In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty.” (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).
Additionally, making dua comes with a different set of rewards you shouldn't miss out on. Firstly, there is the direct reward of gaining the pleasure of Allah SWT. And your Lord says, Make Dua before Me, I will accept for you. Verily those who disdain My worship surely will enter the hellfire contemptible" (40:60). This verse is telling us how Allah will accept every single one of our duas. The word “will” should give us confidence. After all, Allah is Al Qadir. There is nothing that surpasses Allah’s power. Allah can make even the impossible happen.
Allah tells us in the Quran “And remember Me – I will surely remember you” (2:152). Allah SWT will always keep favouring us and blessing us with His bounties, so long as we keep Him in our remembrance too. Furthermore, duas hold so much power in and of themselves because they can change qadr. Our Prophet PBUH told us that “nothing can change the Divine decree except dua”. Read more about the power of dua here. In addition to this, dua builds a relationship with our Creator. The way you get close to someone is by talking to them more. Similarly, continuously making dua establishes a strong connection with Allah SWT, because it is making you closer to Him.
Finally, it is vital to mention that there is a sweetness that comes from making dua. Only people who continually make dua will be able to taste that sweetness.
Make Dua For Everything
The sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) used to make dua for the smallest of things. They used to even ask Allah for salt for their food. In one hadith, Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to tell them “let one of you ask his Lord for everything that he needs, even a lace for his shoe if it breaks.” This teaches us that nothing is too big or small to ask Allah for.
Another beautiful reminder to hold onto, is that we should strive to make dua like a child. Children make dua for the most trivial of things. They also ask for things with incredible sincerity and detail. This is exactly how we should be when forming our duas. The scholars say that it is better for a dua to be detailed and specific, than undetailed and general. In other words, tell Allah exactly what you want. Listen to what a scholar has to say about this here.
Etiquette Of Making Dua
In order to properly make a dua that is more likely to be accepted by Allah SWT, there is a specific etiquette and form we must stick to. You must try to “sandwich” your duas in between the names of Allah and sending blessings or salawat on the Prophet PBUh.
Here is how you should form your dua (in order):
1- Start the dua by invoking the names of Allah SWT that are relevant to your dua. For example: if you are asking Allah to give you something, use the names Al Razzaq or Al Wahhab. If you are asking Allah to heal you from sickness, use the name Al Shafi. Allah SWT has 99 names. Use them.
2- Mention your request. Remember to make it specific and detailed. You can also make dua for more than one thing at the same time. Allah’s power and mercy is limitless.
“Allah has power over all things” (35:1).
3- End your dua by sending peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the master of the universe and the best of all creation. Anything he PBUH has touched is blessed. Sending peace, prayers and blessings upon him will give our dua the best and most blessed seal. To learn more about the acceptance of dua, read this article.
Conditions for the dua to be accepted
There are two conditions that are crucial to remember, whenever you are making dua.
- Duas have to be sincere
- You must ask the dua with full conviction that Allah is listening to you and will respond at the right time. Do not rush Allah.
Special Times For The Acceptance of Duas
As a result of Allah’s never ending showers of mercy upon us - He has also blessed us with extra special times and days, where our duas have a very high chance of getting accepted.
1- On Fridays, during the last hour of Asr before maghrib.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said "Friday is twelve hours in which there is no Muslim slave who asks Allah (SWT) for something but He will give it to him, so seek it in the last hour after 'Asr." (Sunan Al Nisa’i).
2- On Wednesdays between dhuhr and asr.
Jabir RA reports that: ‘Rasulullah (sallallahu ’alayhi wasallam) had made du’a to Allah in Masjidul Fath (in Madinah) on a Monday, a Tuesday and a Wednesday. His du’a was accepted between Zuhr and ‘Asr on Wednesday. He then says: ‘ Whenever I had a need, I waited for that moment on a Wednesday and made du’a. Every time I did so, I noticed my du’a being accepted” (Collected by Imam Al Bukhari).
3- Make dua in sujood.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “The nearest a slave can be to his Lord (Allāh) is while they are prostrating, so increase in supplication” (Muslim).
4- Make dua at the end of prayer.
Right before saying salam in prayer, after the Salah Ibrahimiyyah.
5- Make dua during the last third of the night.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “Our Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, comes down to the lowest heaven every night when the last third of the night is left, and He says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’” (Bukhari)
6- Make dua when it rains and when the time of prayer enters.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:
“Two will not be rejected, supplication when the Adhan is being called and at the time of the rain’.
7- Make dua during the days and nights of Ramadan.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “’When Ramadan comes, the Doors of Mercy (another narration says Paradise) are opened, and the doors of Hell are closed, and the Shaitans are locked up’ (Bukhari) .
8- Make dua when you travel.
Abu Huraira ra narrates that the Prophet PBUH said Three supplications are answered, there being no doubt about them; that of a father, that of a traveller and that of one who has been wronged. (Sunan Abu Dawud).
How Allah responds to your Dua
Guess what? Your Dua never goes unanswered. Allah responds to your dua in one of three ways:
1 - Yes
2 - Yes, but not now
3 - I have a better plan for you
Allah’s wisdom is beyond our comprehension, so he knows what is best for us and when it is best for us to have it. Therefore, in any case, a dua never gets a negative response and never goes unanswered, so stay optimistic, content, and hopeful Allah will respond with what is best for you.
We ask Allah to grant you acceptance of all your duas and patience as you wait for them to come into fruition.
Written by Gheed Al Nassan