In the last blog we talked about how prayer is one of the pillars of Islam. It is the most important after shahada. Praying five times a day is a necessity in Islam. How do we teach children to love prayer? To actually pray with the right intentions? Sometimes parents compel or force their kids to pray, all with the right intentions of course, as it's obligatory, but sometimes this can push children away from prayer. We’re going to discuss a few tips on how to make your little one fall in love with prayer.
A lot of times parents question what the right age is to teach or bring up prayer to children. The best thing you can do is to start young. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Instruct your children to pray when they are seven years old…”. (Saheeh Abu Dawood and Ahmad). Leading by example is so important. You want to be an example for your children and children love imitating what their parents do. If they see you praying consistently they are much more likely to follow in your footsteps.
Create a warm environment in your home that’s inviting for prayer. Having a little prayer corner in your home or a whole room if ( you have one) designated just for prayer is very inviting for young children. Allow them to choose their own prayer mats and clothes. Teach them to keep the prayer neat and tidy. Allow them to appropriately decorate their prayer space with a prayer clock or calendar, this will help keep them on track with their prayers and encourage them. Install a small bookshelf where they can organize their Islamic books and Quran. If you are not living in a Muslim country and there is no Muadhin, you can purchase a Masjidal, a adhan clock. Hearing the adhan will help encourage them to go and pray.
Start with small steps. One prayer at a time and build up to the five prayers. Be consistent. Be a role model and mentor for your children. Teach them about Allah (swt) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Praying together as a family is a great way of encouraging the kids to join in. It can become a family tradition.
Written by Anan Helwih