Anger not only affects a person individually but also the people who are the closest as well as others around them. For some, anger is as manageable as going quiet while and for others it could be the most disastrous thing in the world.
Anger is one of the many normal human emotions, however a rage of anger can cause plenty of damage and it is important to learn how to control it.
Tips to Control Your Anger:
- Make plenty of Du’a - Make Du’a that Allah (SWT)helps you overcome your anger.
- Seek refuge in Allah (SWT) - Anger is from Shaitan so who can break it better than Allah, the Exalted. The Prophet (pbuh) advised us to recite “A’udhu billahi minash-Shaitan nir-rajim” every time we feel our blood boiling. This translates to “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.”
- Change positions - If you feel anger while you are sitting, stand up. If you feel anger while standing, lie down and always keep changing positions
- Silence - While we are angry, we are tempted to say so much. If you give in to this temptation, you will live to regret it and the damage you will cause will not be easy to mend. As Muslims, we are advised to speak well or remain silent.
- Deviate your mind and perform wudu - Busy yourself in some productive work rather than vent out your anger. If you have nothing to do, make wudu. Deviating your mind helps like magic.
For professional consultancy on anger management tailored for your specific challenges, visit the Faith Consulting platform by clicking this link.
Written By Yaseen Johaar