Muslim Woman Studying

Islam is a religion that celebrates seeking knowledge. To support this, you will find many verses in the Holy Quran that encourage us to exercise our intellect to think and ponder. 

It is well known that the first command which Allah (SWT) bestowed upon the Prophet (PBUH) was Iqra (To read). This itself should tell you how important education is. However, it doesn’t end there. Allah (SWT) repeatedly reiterates the importance of seeking knowledge and commands to seek knowledge are laid throughout the pages of the Quran and Hadith.

Evidence in Hadith is the Hadith which states “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 224 

We should try avoiding intellectual arrogance by not thinking we know everything. Given this we have listed a few more reasons why Muslims should seek education:

  • It is a command of Allah
  • Helps broaden the mental horizon
  • It helps in personal development

If you are looking to expand your knowledge from a selection of various different fields have a look at our list of accredited providers.

Written By Yaseen Johaar 


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