What is the most popular Qiraat?

Started on Sat, 11.05.2024 - 2:04pm America/New_York
sama hassan
Level 1
The most popular qira'ah (method of recitation) of the Quran is "Hafs 'an 'Asim." This qira'ah is predominant in many parts of the Muslim world, including North Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia. It is the primary method of recitation taught in most Quranic schools and institutions worldwide. The popularity of Hafs 'an 'Asim can be attributed to several factors, including historical precedence, widespread transmission of its recitation, and endorsement by scholarly authorities. Additionally, the printing and distribution of Quranic texts have largely standardized this qira'ah, further solidifying its popularity among Muslims. While Hafs 'an 'Asim is the most prevalent qira'ah, it's important to recognize that other qira'at are also respected and practiced in various regions and communities, reflecting the diversity and richness of Quranic recitation traditions.