I am Mushtaq Rehman.
I can help you to make successful and lasting changes in all areas of your life, and have more happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment.
I can also help you to take your work or business to the next level and have more income, profits, stable processes, systems, structures and teams that work together in harmony.
I help my clients to take a holistic approach in personal life and at work or business.
I am a trained and experienced life coach. NLP master practitioner and coach.
I am also a qualified accountant and change management practitioner.
I have delivered successful business changes and transformation in global multinational companies.
I have been trained by Tony Robbins and other experts in his Business Mastery event.
I am passionate about helping people to find and work in their zone of genius, achieve their full potential and produce excellence in all areas of life.
I look forward to working with you to change your life and your business and have more success, happiness and satisfaction in your life.