How is long- term happiness🙂 is achieved ?

Started on Sun, 05.02.2023 - 5:11pm America/New_York
Arwa Alhussain
English Translator and Tutor
Happiness🙂Happiness🙂Happiness.How we achieve Long-term Happiness? Is it by reaching your goals, having certain things, giving, helping each other or it is a matter of being content.Most people would say it is by what mentioned above and it is, but long-term happiness is reached by being content with your life, what you have and what Allah provides you with.To make use of all available means to do whatever is possible, to relay on Allah and expect all good from him in good and bad times not being resentful ; displeased with your life or some parts of your it either academic, financial or social life.which most people complain about or not satisfied with.Few people are satisfied with their life. Fulfillment is achieved by making use of all means to make your life better and expecting that Allah gives you the best life; never lose hope , grace , and mercy of Allah.As he almighty said"I am as my servant thinks and I am with him when he makes mention of me .If he makes mention of me to him self , I make mention of him to my self and if he makes mention of me in an assembly , I make mention of him in an assembly better than it .And if he draws near to me an arm's length,I draw near to him a cubit, and if he draws near to me cubit,I draw near to him a fathom .And if he comes to me walking ,I go to him at speed." The meaning is that forgiveness and acceptance of repentance by the almighty is subjected to his servants truly believing that he is forgiving and merciful . However ,not to accompany such belief with right action would be mock the almighty. Moreover who is unpleased in his life ;unpleased with his accomplishments or not pleased with what Allah provides him either good or bad he would not be happy as the prophet pace be upon him said"verily ,as much as the sufferings a person faces the more rewards he gets .And if Allah loves people ,he lets them suffer,He who is pleased with which i provide him he will be CONTENT ."  Last but not least the two MAGICAL BLEND of happiness is reliance on Allah and being content of what he provides.
Arwa Alhussain
English Translator and Tutor
wrote: Happiness🙂Happiness🙂Happiness.How we achieve Long-term Happiness? Is it by reaching your goals, having certain things, giving, helping each other or it is a matter of being content.Most people would say it is by what mentioned above and it is, but long-term happiness is reached by being content with your life, what you have and what Allah provides you with.To make use of all available means to d
Zaid Siddique
Student, Supervisor, Forum Moderator, Admin Junior
Level 1
From an Islamic perspective, eternal happiness is achieved through attaining salvation in the afterlife and living in Paradise (Jannah). This is accomplished by following the teachings of Islam, doing good deeds, having faith in Allah, and seeking forgiveness. The Quran and the Hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) describe Jannah as a place of bliss and joy, where believers will live forever and enjoy the blessings of Allah. The ultimate goal of a Muslim is to please Allah and earn a place in Jannah, thereby achieving eternal happiness.   Thank you for your contribution! 
Arwa Alhussain
English Translator and Tutor
Thank you Mr.zaid for your remindful comment which made me to clarify that it is indeed the ultimate; the one and the only life goal for a Muslim is to do good deeds ,have good intentions , obey Allah ,follow the teachings of Islam,have faith in Allah and seek forgiveness from him to live in paradise in the afterlife where is the eternal and infinite happiness and no life after it. From what i have learned and read. In my opinion Long-term happiness might be achieved by what I have mentioned above to encourage us to keep working hard in life to achieve eternal and infinite happiness;paradise (Jannah).