How to strengthen your will to achieve what you want?

Started on Sun, 20.06.2021 - 8:32am America/New_York
Kamal Masri
Certified Life and Leadership Coach
Someone recently asked me, “What strengthens your will?” I liked this question and decided to write about it as it is a question worth contemplating. One’s will is what drives them to take the first step to achieve what they want. The most important thing that strengthens my will is knowledge. Willpower is coupled with the power of knowledge. If my will to achieve what I want is weak, so is my understanding of it.   For example, I decided to make a big change in my career from managing international companies to life coaching. This change was not easy, but learning about life coaching from one of the biggest centers specialized in this field helped increase my knowledge and I realized the importance of this work to me because of its great positive impact on the lives of others; this corresponds to what I strive to achieve. My answer to my friend who asked me what strengthens my will was knowledge and increased awareness of the matter at hand. The more I learned, the more aware I became, and the more aware I became, the stronger my will. The most important thing I learned from this experience is expressed in a quote by Mikhail Naimy: “Great is the difference between the will of the knower and the will of the ignorant. I am ignorant, O Lord, and you alone are the One who knows.” I’m curious to hear from you what strengthens your willpower.  
Arwa Alhussain
English Translator and Tutor
Indeed knowledge is power.It is the fuel of the brain.